Charge of the Penguins

  • Production Company Revolver Films
  • Director Scott Cudmore
  • DP John Ker
  • EPS Richard Cureton & Luc Frappier
  • Production Designer Alexis DeBad
  • Agency Juniper Park/TBWA
  • Creative Driector Paul Little
  • Art Director Justin Platnar
  • Copywriter Benjamin O’Neill
  • Sr. Integrated Producer Sharon Langlotz
  • Managing Director Steve Emmens
  • Colour / VFX / CG alter ego
  • Creative Director David Whiteson
  • Lead VFX Artist Darren Achim
  • Lead CG artists Jerry Corda-Standley & Mike Waldrum
  • CG Artist Gabe Madariaga
  • Character Animation Kevin Vriesinga
  • CG Props Eileen Peng
  • Matte Painter Bojan Zoric
  • VFX Assistant Saba Zahir
  • Sr. Colourist Wade Odlum
  • Colour Assistant Daniel Saavedra
  • Post Producer Andrew Tavares
  • Audio Vapor Music